Oh my blog, how I’ve neglected you! I recently got together with an old friend of mine Lynn, yes we were socially distanced. I wanted to shoot some portraits to rebuild my portfolio as I’ve started shooting film. We met up in Downtown Holland very last minute. I had a session cancel on me just hours before, and I really just wanted to shoot something. Shoot film has really reignited my love for photography as a whole.
I think through the process of starting a business, photography became more and more of a grind. I lost my love for what I did. I focused on quantity over quality. And although some could argue that I take beautiful photos, my work was missing me.
One of the things I don’t think I ever really allowed myself to do was generate my own style. I mean yes, I was the one taking the photos. But I feel like I was emulating those who’s photos I really liked rather than becoming a person I really liked. Does that make sense? Like, I never really allowed myself to get creative with my editing.
I think a large portion of the photos I really like are film based. I love the tones, the aesthetic, and the realness that comes with the medium. The photos were shot on Kodak Gold 200. This was the beginning of this period, that I am still in to be honest, where I try to find film stock I really like! Film stocks that just speak to me if that makes sense.