Join ColoristHQ & Experience The Difference




Have a personal mentor to help you with color grading & business

Develop bullet proof color grading workflows and mastery level knowledge

Continue your color grading education with Bi-Weekly live Instruction

Have an A-Z DaVinci Resolve Color Grading playbook off the bat

But imagine if you could...

A search for color grading tutorials will leave you with too much content to digest, a lack of a consistent workflow, and an inability to get real time feedback to your questions on how workflows differ on a case by case basis.

Most content lacks in-depth quality

not all online education content is created equally

I'm a firm believer that you can learn anything on the internet in 2022. That's a blessing and curse:

This is why I HATE teaching color grading on YouTube! YouTube caters to content that's around 10-15 minutes long, and that's no where near enough time to teach you a deep concept like color theory! So what are you the students left with? Breadcrumbs!

youtube videos are designed for the algorithm... not the student! 

Even if you find an amazing creator to teach you color grading, anything on a social media platform like YouTube is curated specially for an algorithm. Which means, while the goal may be to teach you how to color grade, the depth, pace, and complexity of the videos content is often limited by tactics designed to cater to the algorithm. 

So, if there is so much color grading educational content out there, then why is it so hard for you to get the "Film look" you're going for?

Color grading is too complex to simply pack years and year of knowledge into downloadable videos.

online courses are outdated!

If you have the money, traditional downloadable online course at best solve the problem of content lacking depth, but it doesn't address the inability to ask questions, and it doesn't allow for case by case scenarios.

The most logical solution is to enroll in an online Color Grading course right? WRONG...

I get it: i was once in your shoes, and have helped many others in your same situation.

But being stuck between this rock and hard place, and not finding a solution, will hold you back from standing out!

It doesn't have to mean spending $1000 on an online course.

It doesn't have to mean spending hours on YouTube.

It definitely doesn't have to mean learning from an instructor without being able to ask questions on the spot.

And it certainly doesn't mean watching pre-recorded videos that lack the depth needed to teach color grading properly

Here's the good news: you can learn how to master color grading in DaVinci Resolve in an efficient way!

A mug sits on the desk, a stagnant Resolve Project sits open, and the clock ticks by as you find yourself on YouTube. You sit thinking of the right thing to search for to solve your problem. You find what looks like the perfect video, or the YouTube Gods pop it into your explore page at the brink of feeling defeated. 

The Runtime of the video is 17 minutes, and although your time is precious, this video looks promising! So you continue to watch perhaps following along as the creator goes through the example and you find success! You go through to apply what you've learned to your project only to run into a road block. You leave a comment asking about your unique situation only to never get reply. You find their masterclass, only to find out it's $900 you don't have. This is "the life" you're "dreaming of?" 

Think about all the times you've gone back to apply what you've learned:

… but at the end of the day, that doesn't work.

You find yourself back at youtube searching for "the one," and without the funds to enroll in a masterclass.

So for longest time, you've simply been doing your best to learn, to get by, and hoping that one day it will all click.

Every good colorist is a master of their craft and continues to develop their skills over time!

no more one and done learning: we are changing the game!

I've created a program that is going to solve, of what seems to be, the never ending struggle of learning color grading. A new formula designed just for you to consolidate your color grading learning into a seamless experience. You're going to experience the difference of streamlined learning and continued education.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: learning color grading in DaVinci Resolve doesn't have to be this hard. Just like you, I am frustrated with how hard it is for aspiring filmmakers to find good quality educational content. I'm a firm believer in being the change you want to see, and being the person you need when you started your journey. 

I am not only going to transform your skills as a colorist right now, but also in the time to come.


But first remember this: I don't care about the tools that you don't have...

I'm here to empower you with what you do have.

I don't care if you have a fancy studio and dedicated workstation, or if you only have a laptop. I don't care if you have a $10,000 professional reference monitor, or if you only have a $300 monitor from amazon. As long as you have a willing spirit to learn, then I can help you reach your goals when it comes to color grading and the business side of filmmaking.

your resources to learn and grow your skills as a colorist.



The old formula was to simply download a color grading course, watch it, and then take on the world. Here at ColoristHQ, I don't dump you after the first date. As long as you're a part of ColoristHQ you will always be learning something new and continuing to develop your skills as a colorist. I'll be by your side as a friend & mentor every step of the way!

most importantly: continue to learn

During your time here at ColoristHQ, we will constantly refer to word a lot: personal taste. I can teach you the technical aspects of color grading, but I can't teach you to be an authentic artist; however, I will continually empower you and guide you through the process of "learning the rules" and how to properly break them to create unique imagery. You'll learn how to take pieces of existing styles, and how to tastefully make them your own.

hone in on your personal style

During your time as a member of ColoristHQ, you'll not only develop, but also master workflows for any coloring situation. In our group mastermind classes, we will hammer away at the many node-tree workflows in DaVinci resolve. You'll learn what situations need 15+ nodes, what situations only require 3 nodes, and how to create a pipeline for look consistency. The best part: it doesn't matter when you join, all previous subject matters remains public in the community for constant review! 

develope bulletproof workflows

If you've ever felt like you have a decent understanding of basic color grading principles, but feel like there's a deeper understanding that your missing, all of that is going to change: and it starts now! Upon enrollment, you're going to go through what I like to call ColoristHQ Bootcamp: 8 hours of self paced basic training for standard members and 40+ hours for VIP Students. This will be in the form of recorded playbacks from my Live DaVinci Resolve Color Grading course.

HQ BOOTCAMP: master the basics

experience the new formula

HQ bootcamp

introduction to advanced node-workflows

introduction to raw workflows

introduction into aces

basic look creation workflows

introduction into color theory

color keying & skintones

color correction (working with log)

davinci resolve ui breakdown

What we'll discuss:

This is a breaking down of all of your skills, and building them back up in a uniform manner. This step sets you on the right path to color grading success, and your time here at ColoristHQ 


Yeppers Entertainment & Time Warner Media Co.

Bobbie Dyce

"Sidney is truly invested in your success. After the completion of the class, Sidney took me under his wing as my mentor to really help me hone in on my style, and master my craft as a colorist. 

manny king

"If you are new to grading in resolve then look no further, Sidney is sure to put you on your path to grading your projects with confidence."

After the completion of ColoristHQ Bootcamp, your real journey begins.
Dive in head first with Bi-Weekly Virtual Learning, Group Masterminds, Monthly Challenges, and community style learning.

learning. community. discussion. growth.



We all have busy schedules, and because ColoristHQ has students in many different continents, it's impossible to coordinate all of our schedules. If you're unable to make a group coaching session, playbacks are available on Demand!

Remember the days in school where the teacher would come over and work with you through a problem? That is ColoristHQ! During group coaching sessions, you will have the chance to take control of my screen, and work side by side with me!

You won't have to leave a comment, or send a single email to get an answer to your question. With the use of Zoom, you will be able to ask questions on the spot and get immediate feedback during group coaching.

If you've ever wished you could ask questions during a YouTube Tutorial, This one's for you. No more leaving with more questions than when you started. I'm showing up LIVE, twice a month, to coach you on various color grading techniques. 

Bi-weekly group coaching sessions based on the topic of the month.

Virtual Learning

Group coaching


All artist can create art, but making money from that art is a completely different ball game. You will get to join and contribute to discussions around how to build a successful Cinematography & Color Grading brand.

A lot of people think of color grading as Post-Production, but it actually starts in pre-production! You will get to join and contribute to discussions around Color Theory and learn how to apply it in pre-production.

Ever watched a movie and wondered how they got the look? Wonder no more! You will get to join and contribute to discussion around the looks of popular Hollywood, as well as the reverse engineering of those looks.

Now that your learning and growing your color-grading techniques every month, let's dive into the less talked about topics such as color theory, set design, and Hollywood Color Analysis...  because skill alone doesn’t pay the bills.

LIVE virtual mastermind sessions discussing color-grading related topics


Virtual discussion


Ever learned a color grading technique from a creator that was outdated within a couple of months? Yeah. That’s not this program. I’m constantly updating workflows and growing myself, so you’re always on the cutting edge of color grading.

Gone are the days of knowing but not fully understanding color grading techniques. ColoristHQ is built on the principle of not only learning, but revisiting and growing your knowledge on color grading techniques.

No more finishing a course and then being thrown to the wolves. ColoristHQ is NOT a tradition course. Colorist HQ is a Membership that is constantly providing learning material for colorist. 

Simply learning a technique once is NOT the end of the road. In fact, if you're not constantly learning, then you'll eventually stop growing. ColoristHQ is a Membership that rotates and expands upon techniques. 

If you're not learning, then you're not growing. Learn. Revisit. Refine.


continued education


Group coaching only happens every 2 weeks, and chances are you will have some questions between then! The user group offers unlimited access to me and other amazing student teachers! I am always at your finger tips!

ColoristHQ is a goal orientated program! What better way to apply what you learn and practice than a little friendly competition? There will be creative color grading challenges every month in the group!

Setting a goal and not following through is something that traps us all. Not at ColoristHQ. I have a designed an interactive community designed to help hold you accountable throughout the learning process. Not Joining is not an option!

Anyone in a field of entrepreneurship or creativity can agree on one thing: being a creative entrepreneur is a lonely path. Not anymore: we aren't just learning, we are building a community of like-minded individuals.

Join the ColoristHQ Community for accountability & Challenges



I’m tired for you! I am tired of the Ads trying to get you to enroll in a program, so that said person can get your money. And don’t get me wrong, I am not saying these people may not be able to help in some capacity: I am saying that their one size fits all programs don’t benefit everyone.

But if you're still looking for a solid way to learn color grading, then chances are, that person is you.

ColoristHQ is where you will experience the difference. Simply put, you won't hit a dead end when it comes to learning color grading with me. If you don't understand, then we are going to work through it until you do. 

Gone are the days of one size fits all color grading course! DON'T look back!

Our industry is focused solely on profits 90% of the time. And if you learn, then great! If you don’t, then sometimes you get your money back, but your right back where you started!

Here’s the deal: ColoristHQ isn’t like anything you’ve ever encountered when it comes to learning about color grading. I created this program specifically for you. I don’t want you to spend years to get to a level of proficiency: I want to give you every drop of knowlege I have so you can start ahead of the ball game!

No one created a solution for me, but I am going to create a solution for you. I took a step back, and I realized that it doesn’t have to be this hard to learn such a simple concept. I’m breaking the status quo: I’ve decided that the best way to help others is to hold nothing back from them so that they “want more.” I want you to get to a point where you don’t need me. The way it should be.

it's my turn to help you!

I was once in your shoes, with the same struggles you have now

I was once in your shoes. I was learning from a sweet mixture of YouTube, trial and error, and of course, baptism by fire. I would spend hours trying to bring my footage to life.

There where times when I simply settled on what I was able to achieve, instead of bringing the image I had in my mind to life. The free resources only got me so far, and I couldn’t afford to buy a course.

Because I didn’t have any help, it took me years to get to the point that I am at today: a point where I am not only making money, but also a point where I can teach.

I’m a self-taught Digital Intermediate Colorist. i've gone from lost and confused to the senior colorist at two production companies.

I'm Sidney Baker-Green

the mentor behind it all:

seen in

There's so much... but here's another taste!



Charts and cheat sheets to help you learn color psychology, color schemes, and color mixing!

An action plan on how you can use color theory in pre-production to create your look in camera.

An understanding on how well known Hollywood films, new and old, have used color theory.

A solid knowledge on basic color theory principles and how the relate to DaVinci Resolve.

You'll walk away with: 

The most neglected topic of color grading is hands down color theory. Understanding color theory is critical for taking your job to the next level, and producing consistent work across the board. And when you're on a major set, understanding color theory will allow you to work closely with the director to design sets that work for you and not against you.

become a color theory master

Popular film looks over time and how to specifically create them in Resolve. During this, we will also dive into set factors that can prohibit us from creating a look that seems realistic. 


Streamlined node-tree workflows that allow us to control individual variables of each images to create a detailed look. Some grades need 20 nodes, others only need 3: we will break that down as well.

How in camera exposure decisions affect our ability to create looks in Post-Production. Because each camera is different, we'll discuss this on a camera by camera basis: from Sony to ARRI.

We'll dive into:

The goal of color grading is to bring the image to life in post. Sometimes we have a look in our mind, or sometimes we are assigned a specific look for a film. Regardless of the case, in ColoristHQ, you'll learn a streamlined color grading workflow & on set techniques that will allow you to bring any look you want to life. 

conqure film look creation


hardware selection as a colorist

monthly challenges

creating specific looks in davinci resolve

desgining sets & controling natural veriables

pre-production workflows as a colorist

color theory

examinations of hollywood films

color management

What we'll discuss:

The whole goal of this program is for you to be able to take as long as you need to become a well rounded colorist! Every month we will hone in on specific color grading to accomplish just that. This not only includes node-tree workflows...

earn the title master colorist - we can break it down all day, but that's the endgame.

Malcolm hill

"Sidney helped me build the skills & confidence to enact my artistic visions as a colorist."

... in short, master color grading in davinci resolve with a community of supportive like-minded members.

Continued Education: grow your knowledge of color grading every month as we learn and revisit.

Group mentorship for your color grading journey (VIP Members have access to 1 on 1 sessions)

Accountability through monthly color grading challenges, goal setting, monthly reviews.

Color Theory breakdown & application to set design and run & gun on location shoots

Key-Insights into the business aspect of freelance color grading & filmmaking work.

Color grading breakdowns of popular Hollywood films & power grade creation.

Access to your instructor & knowledgeable members through the community group.

24/7 access to your instructor via email. (VIP Members get FaceTime access) 

Continuous Bi-Weekly live Instruction based on various color grading topics in Resolve.

ColoristHQ Bootcamp: Playbacks from all 12 modules in my Live A-Z color grading course.

There's a lot of color grading programs out there,

Experience The ColoristHQ Difference

Dear Who Productions

Deion James

Sidney helped me change my style completely. Before, I had absolutely no idea how to create a look, let alone work in a brand new NLE. Sidney really made learning in this new software a breeze as long as I did my part and learned the absolute basics of editing and color terminology.

This completely changed my filmmaking career.

The Guest Lounge

Dean Guest

I'm the type of person that loves to use YouTube as an online resource for my learning, and granted there's a lot of use information, but Sidney's course stands above traditional courses. Hands on learning and the ability to take control of his screen to work on grades offers invaluable real-time feedback.

Casual & laid-back learning experience.

Clear Cut Social

Tom Evans

Sidney’s teachings were invaluable in giving me a much greater understanding into the world of colour grading, and how to get the most out of my videos. Having Sidney on hand throughout the course was great help and he was able to answer any of my questions with great detail. He’s also quite funny at times, but don’t tell him I said this.

Completely changed the look of my films!

Enroll and get the following...



Best Savings



Best Value


Special 2022 monthly price:

Regular Program Price: $1,900

join colorist hq — A $6,500 Value

Exclusive Community​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The best part of this entire program is the community that comes with it. Learn and collaborate with like minded people that face the same struggles and obstacles that you do. (Priceless!)

Monthly Download Updates we will design and deliver fresh content monthly to our content libarary (Value up to $200)

Professional printable resources, worksheets, and guides to reinforce what you're learning in the live trainings (Valued at $1300)

LIFETIME Membership to the months you've payed for so you can revisit it anytime you need or want a refresher (Priceless!) 

UNLIMITED Email Access to your Coach you don't have to do it alone, I will hold your hand. Im here to answer as many questions as you have throughout your time in ColoristHQ (Priceless!) 

BONUS Hot Seat Call ask your questions, and get real-time tips and thoughts to help guide you in your progress (Valued at $1,200)

BI-Weekly DaVinci Resolve Color Grading Training & FAQ  to help keep you on track (Valued at $250)

ColoristHQ Bootcamp — A-Z DaVinci Resolve Color Grading Course (Live Playbacks) (Valued at $1,900)

Total Value $7,094

Exclusive 1 on 1 mentoring sessions & color grading training for your specific projects, questions, business help, and more ($997)

Exclusive access to Facetime Calls & SMS (at anytime during normal business hours) for on the spot questions & help ($997)

You'll get full access to everything included in the program —the live sessions, challenges, and community (Total Value: $4,500)

ColoristHQ VIP

Enroll as a 

That's an option, too!

looking for a little more one on one time?

You're just plain not ready to take this step. And that's OK.

You're not willing to make this a priority.

You don't want to contribute to the community & accountability. 

You don't have the time to commit to live instruction or playbacks.

It's NOT for you if:

You want a dedicated mentor to guide you along your journey.

You want to learn how to approach filmmaking with color in mind.

You want a systematic way to continue to build your skills.

You're looking for live color grading instructional classes.

ColoristHQ IS for you if:

ColoristHQ is going to take your skills to the next level; and more importantly, it's going to continue to build upon those skills so you never stop growing.

the time is now

I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. I only enjoy teaching when I am able to build a genuine connection with people. So this isn't an empty promise, it's a mission that brings purpose to my work... come test it out!

doesn't everyone promise mentorship?

Yes! While you will no longer have access to the live instruction & community, you will still have access to the playbacks for the months that you were a member!

do i keep my content if i cancel my membership?

Yes! Say you sign up in the year 2030... you will have access to every single live class and resource that has been created! This is a cumulative program that only gets better with time!

Do i get past live classes?

International logistics are the hardest part of a live program. However, we've had many international students find success in our live classes. The live playbacks and email communication are the best way forward if you can't physically make the lives. 

my timezone makes lives impossible... what now?

I designed ColoristHQ for you to leave whenever you feel you are ready. So you're never committed a certain amount of months. However, if you are an annual member, we don't offer refunds in that case. Outside of that, you cancel whenever you please.

what if i decide it's not for me?

Don't worry! I understand life happens! The live class playback will be posted in the ColoristHQ Group. If you have any questions after a playback, that you couldn't ask on the spot since you couldn't attend live, then please email me! I'll respond ASAP.

What if i can't attend a life class?

don't worry, we have the answers!

You Might have Some Questions



Best Savings



Best Value


Special 2022 monthly price:

Regular Program Price: $1,900

Get the program — A $6,500 Value